How can I settle an injury insurance claim without a lawyer?
Like performing surgery on oneself, settling a serious personal injury claim without legal representation is not something that any professional in his or her right mind can recommend. There are valuable benefits to having competent legal representation that far outweigh the costs of having an attorney in virtually all such cases. The best advice for settling an injury insurance claim without a lawyer would be to learn as much as you possibly can by doing extensive research to minimize the knowledge and experience gap between yourself and an experienced attorney as much as possible. If this sounds like a lot of work, that’s because it is. Any discrepancy between knowledge on the part of participants to a negotiation will almost certainly be taken advantage of by the opposing party. If you aren’t open to eliminating the knowledge gap by obtaining legal representation who knows more about the subject at hand than the average insurance adjuster, you may find that you’ll end up getting what you pay for.
the initial consultation is free
Please call (425) 679-0742 or contact The Hornbuckle Firm today to schedule your free nursing home abuse and neglect consultation. The firm has litigated cases in Washington, Tennessee, and Texas. We accept cases from all states across the country.