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What can I do if my doctor says nothing’s wrong or fails to diagnose me?

You should never be afraid to ask for a second opinion. The more rare a condition, the longer it often takes to receive a correct diagnosis. This is due to many factors, but a causal factor that medical malpractice cases often bring to light is a physician or other provider’s inexperience in diagnosing or treating the rare condition. For a patient suffering from unexplained symptoms, it is impossible to know whether the lack of a diagnosis is reasonable or not until it’s too late. A second opinion is very valuable in protecting against the possibility of a missed serious explanation for the patient’s symptoms. Health care providers should make sure to rule out “the worst first” but this does not always occur. If you have been harmed by a delayed diagnosis on the part of your doctor, please seek a legal consultation to determine whether you a legal remedy may be available for your injuries.


the initial consultation is free

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Please call (425) 679-0742 or contact The Hornbuckle Firm today to schedule your free nursing home abuse and neglect consultation. The firm has litigated cases in Washington, Tennessee, and Texas. We accept cases from all states across the country.

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