When you sustain a brain injury in an accident, insurance companies often begin working on a settlement immediately. They know if they can get you to accept their offer, you won’t be able to take legal action and seek the full compensation your injury demands. To protect yourself against insurance companies devoted to minimizing your compensation, you need an experienced brain injury attorney on your side.
To schedule your free consultation with one of our brain injury attorneys, call (425) 679-0742 today.
Treating brain injury is incredibly expensive and, while there are a number of factors that can influence how much your treatment will cost, it is safe to assume that insurance will only cover a fraction. Remember, insurance companies are for-profit corporations that are in the business of making money for stakeholders not helping victims of serious injury recover. The Seattle brain injury attorneys at the Hornbuckle Firm are in the business of getting justice for victims. We are prepared to take your case, fight tooth and nail for your rights, and help ensure you are provided the full compensation you deserve.
If you or someone you love is in need of a brain injury attorney in Seattle, Tacoma, or surrounding areas of Washington, please contact the Hornbuckle Firm today.
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Bellevue, Washington 98007
Phone: (425) 679-0742